DIVORce by digitalized mutual consent
Successfully Navigating Your Divorce: A Guide to Mutual Consent Divorce
The mutual consent divorce is an agreement by deed signed by the lawyers and both spouses, then sent to a notary for filing at their office.
Mutual consent divorce is the quickest and least expensive way to separate.
Each spouse is assisted by a lawyer.
The essential condition for mutual consent divorce is that the spouses agree on the principle of separation and on all the consequences of separation (use of the marital name, compensatory allowance, residence and child support, liquidation and division of the matrimonial assets).
In the absence of a mutual agreement, mutual consent divorce cannot be achieved, and it will be necessary to involve the family court judge in a "contested" divorce.
Once the divorce agreement is drafted and approved by the spouses, it is sent to them by registered email with acknowledgment of receipt. The registered email system avoids the need for the spouses to go to the post office and allows them to receive the notification electronically (via phone, tablet, or computer).
Upon receiving this notification, a reflection period of 15 days begins.
At the end of this period, the divorce agreement can be signed during a joint meeting with the spouses and their lawyers.
The agreement is then submitted for filing with a notary and transcribed on the marriage certificate.
The fees for digitized mutual consent divorce start at €950 excluding taxes.
Upon receiving the completed form below, we commit to responding within 48 business hours and offering you an in-person or virtual appointment.
We collaborate with other law firms practicing digitized mutual consent divorce, particularly with Maître Sandrine Monti, Tyredda Law Firm.